Tour Packages
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Cruise fares vary based on itinerary, number of nights, cabin type and cruise line. A cruise can cost anywhere from about $120 per person for a two-night Caribbean cruise to up to $95,000 per person for a nearly 150-night world cruise and anywhere in between.
Guests are not permitted to smoke inside cabins. There are designated smoking spaces on board the cruise.
Cruise ships are rather all inclusive vacation options, wrapping accommodations, dining, activities, and transportation all into one fare. For one set fare, a cruise vacation enables travelers to see multiple destinations while enjoying most of the onboard amenities.
A cruise from Singapore is most enjoyable on a minimum of 3 nights. The plethora of activities onboard the Royal Caribbean cruise ships can best be experienced along with a port day on a 3 to 4 nights cruise.
Dreamland Travel provides a diverse range of cruises, from exotic tropical escapes to iconic coastal city tours. Explore our curated list to find the perfect cruise for your dream getaway.
Dreamland Travel selects accommodations and cruise options that prioritize privacy. We can also provide information on room categories and ship layouts to help you choose the level of seclusion you prefer.
Age requirements vary by cruise type and destination. We provide clear guidelines for each cruise to ensure passengers meet the necessary age criteria.